The Cuban fauna is very rich on endemic species. One of the most beautiful endemic birds, the Cuban trogon (Priotelus temnurus), is the national animal of Cuba. This is due to the Trogons feathers, that exhibit the colors of the Cuban flag: red, blue and white.
By now more than 19.000 species of animals are known from Cuba and the most diverse group are the insects with about 9.000 species. The mollusks have almost 3.900 species and more than 1.900 different species of spiders are found in Cuba. Futhermore 42 species of mammals, 350 species of birds, 121 of reptiles and 46 of amphibians live in Cuba.
In our database we have already more than 19.000 species available, partly with pictures, common names in english and spanish and for many species the conservation status is listed on the species page.
In Cuba exist some very curious species. One is Eleutherodactylus iberia, the smallest frog of the northern hemisphere and one other eye-catching species is the hummingbird Mellisuga helenae, the smallest bird on our planet, less than 7 cm in size.